


Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding involving a person or business that is unable to repay their outstanding debts. The bankruptcy process begins with a petition filed by the debtor, which is most common, or on behalf of creditors, which is less common. All of the debtor's assets are measured and evaluated, and the assets may be used to repay a portion of outstanding debt.  




Child custody



Legal custody of a child means having the right and the obligation to make decisions about a child's upbringing. A parent with legal custody can make decisions about the child's schooling, religious upbringing and medical care, for example. In many states, courts regularly award joint legal custody, which means that the decision making is shared by both parents.

If you share joint legal custody with the other parent and you exclude him or her from the decision-making process, your ex can take you back to court and ask the judge to enforce the custody agreement. You won't get fined or go to jail, but it will probably be embarrassing and cause more friction between the two of you -- which may harm the children. What's more, if you're represented by an attorney, it's sure to be expensive.

If you believe the circumstances between you and your child's other parent make it impossible to share joint legal custody (the other parent won't communicate with you about important matters or is abusive), you can go to court and ask for sole legal custody. But, in many states, joint legal custody is preferred, so you will have to convince a family court judge that it is not in the best interests of your child.

Sole Custody

One parent can have either sole legal custody or sole physical custody of a child. Courts generally won't hesitate to award sole physical custody to one parent if the other parent is deemed unfit -- for example, because of alcohol or drug dependency or charges of child abuse or neglect.

However, in most states, courts are moving away from awarding sole custody to one parent and toward enlarging the role both parents play in their children's lives. Even where courts do award sole physical custody, the parties often still share joint legal custody, and the noncustodial parent enjoys a generous visitation schedule. In these situations, the parents would make joint decisions about the child's upbringing, but one parent would be deemed the primary physical caretaker, while the other parent would have visitation rights under a parenting agreement or schedule.

It goes without saying that there may be animosity between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse. But it's best not to seek sole custody unless the other parent truly causes direct harm to the children. Even then, courts may still allow the other parent supervised visitation.





Child support



Child support is money paid by one parent to the other parent for the purpose of providing financial support to a child or children. Most frequently, child support is paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent, but this is not always the case. Depending on where you live and the agreement you reach, the child support you pay or receive and what expenses it should cover will vary.  




Civil rights



Civil rights laws guarantee rights for individuals to receive equal treatment and prohibits discrimination in a number of settings, including education, employment, housing, lending, voting, and more. Below is a list of federal civil rights laws. (Note: Many states have civil rights laws of their own which mirror those at the federal level, so your state may have its own laws that are very similar to those identified below. In addition, municipalities like cities and counties can enact ordinances and laws related to civil rights.)  




Criminal law



At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.







At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.







At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.




Elder law



At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.







At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.




Family law



At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.




Federal crime



At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.




Felony crime



At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.







At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.




Green cards



At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.







At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.




Lemon law



At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.
At The Attorney Times we have attorneys that will handle all of your family's needs. Our attorney's have years of experience.




