Read Our Case Results


Successful Outcome

On November 12, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2 counts of Attempted Murder. After a lengthy detention hearing, the lawyer convinced the Judge to release his client and let him fight the charges from home. 



Successful Outcome

On November 12, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2 counts of Attempted Murder. After a lengthy detention hearing, the lawyer convinced the Judge to release his client and let him fight the charges from home. 



Successful Outcome

CLIENT RELEASED !!! On December 7, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (Handgun), 3rd degree Possession with the intent to Distribute Cds (Heroin) and a host of other offenses. After arguments, the lawyer was able to obtain their client’s release from the county jail. 



Successful Outcome

PRISON AVOIDED!!! On December 4, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd and 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute Cds. After filing a Motion to compel the identity of the C.I, the State caved and allowed the lawyer’s client into Special probation, thus avoiding prison,  although the initial offer was a 10 year prison sentence



Successful Outcome

FATHER CUSTODY AWARDED!!! On December 2, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a father who was seeking to be the parent of Primary Residency. After arguments, the lawyer as able to win custody for their client after showing that it was in the best interest of the child to be with the father. 



Successful Outcome

FELONY DOWNGRADED!!! On November 24, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 3rd degree distribution of cds and a host of other offenses. After negotiating with the prosecutor and convincing them that the distribution could not be proved, the prosecutor agreed to downgrade the charge releasing the lawyer’s client from the county jail. 



Successful Outcome

JAIL AVOIDED!!! On November 18, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with their 3rd Shoplifting offense. After months of negotiations and on the eve of trial, the lawyer was able to negotiate a suspended sentence although a guilty plea called for mandatory jail. 



Successful Outcome

PRISON AVOIDED ON A GUN OFFENSE!!! On November 5, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with Unlawful Possession of a Handgun. After a year of arguments and filing appeals attempting to get their client into PTI, the lawyer was successful in convincing the Judge and Prosecutor to accept their client into PTI avoiding a mandatory Prison sentence. 



Successful Outcome

CUSTODY AWARDED!!! On November 4, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client seeking custody and to become the parent of primary residency. After filing papers and having oral arguments, the lawyer who had the father as the client, won custody and parent of primary residency for their client. 



Successful Outcome

PRISON AVOIDED and CLIENT RELEASED!!! On November 2, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with multiple 3rd degree Aggravated Assaults and a host of other offenses. After initially being offered 5 years in prison, the lawyer was able to obtain a plea deal for probation, allowing their client to be released today from the county jail after multiple months incarcerated. 


2nd degree Aggravated Assault 

Successful Outcome

CLIENT RELEASED!!! On November 2, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Assault and a host of other offenses while being on Pre trial Release for multiple cases. After negotiating with the prosecutor, their client was released. 


3rd and 4th degree offenses

Successful Outcome

CLIENT RELEASED!!! On November 2, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 3rd and 4th degree offenses in different counties while being on probation. After being detained for weeks, An Attorney Times lawyer argued successfully for their client’s release although they were on the run for two years. 


Unlawful Possession of a Handgun 

Successful Outcome

GUN DISMISSED!! On October 28, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with Unlawful Possession of a Handgun. After initially being offered a 5 must serve 3 and a half, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to get their client into PTI, which will lead to a dismissal of all of the charges. 



Successful Outcome

GUN DISMISSED!! On October 26, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with Unlawful Possession of a Handgun. After initially being offered a 5 must serve 5, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of the gun offense allowing their client to plead to a minor 4th degree offense



Successful Outcome

SPECIAL PROBATION !! On October 22, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 5 different indictments of 2nd and 3rd degree distribution of Cds charges. After a lengthy argument, the lawyer was able to obtain Special Probation for his client preventing an 8 year prison sentence. 



Successful Outcome

CLIENT RELEASED!! On October 8, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with an Assault and detained while pending sentencing for a Gun Conviction. After, extensive arguments and getting the matter remanded, the lawyer obtained a suspended sentence allowing for their client to be released. 


$27,000 RECOVERED!!!

Successful Outcome

$27,000.000 CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION SETTLED!!! Last year An Attorney Times lawyer represented a client who was charged in municipal court with disorderly conduct for requesting emergency services as a victim of domestic violence. Today, October 28, 2020, the case against the municipality and secured their client just compensation! Call today if you have been victimized by the State. 


$50,000 RECOVERED!!!

Successful Outcome

$50,000 RECOVERED!!! On October 12, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer recovered $50,000 for a client who was hit by a truck in a car accident. After extensive negotiations, the opposing party decided to settle for fear of going to trial. 



Successful Outcome

DCP&P CASE TERMINATED!!! On October 19, 2020, after a year of arguments and trials, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to successfully reunite their client with their kids.



Successful Outcome

RESTRAINING ORDER DENIED!! On October 7, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was fighting a Temporary Restraining Order. After hours of oral arguments, the lawyer convinced the Judge to not issue a Final Restraining Order, saving their clients job and career. 


Possession of a weapon (Handgun)

Successful Outcome

CLIENT RELEASED!! On October 7, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a weapon (Handgun), 2nd degree possession with intent to distribute and a host of other offenses. After extensive arguments and a PSA that called for no release, the lawyer was able to convince the Judge to release their client. 


RELEASED!! 3rd degree Cds Distribution

Successful Outcome

CLIENT RELEASED!! On October 6, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 3rd degree Cds Distribution charges while being out on pretrial release for two other drug cases. After extensive arguments, the lawyer was able to obtain the release of their client.



Successful Outcome

GRANTED FULL CUSTODY !! On October 6, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was seeking custody. After arguments, the lawyer’s client was granted full custody and child support. 



Successful Outcome

CLIENT RELEASED!! On September 29, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 3rd degree Terroristic Threats, 3rd degree Harassment and a host of other charges. After their client lost his detention hearing, the lawyer was able to work out a time served Pre indictment plea deal , allowing the lawyer’s client to be released from detention. 


 3rd Degree possession with intent to distribute and other offenses


Successful Outcome

RESOLVED AND RELEASED !! On August 26, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with one indictment of 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute and other offenses and a separate indictment with 3rd degree stalking. After being hired as a result of his clients sitting in the county jail for 6 months, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain their client’s release and a probationary offer.




Successful Outcome

CHILD SUPPORT ELIMINATED!! On August 21, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was unfairly paying child support. After months of going back and forth with the court, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to help their client eliminate child support and cancel their arrears. The client also will have their parenting time increased to half of the week.


 Violated Parole


Successful Outcome

NO PAROLE VIOLATION!! On August 21, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who allegedly violated parole by picking up a new case. While on Parole after serving 13 years for Homicide, their client was charged with violating parole by being hit with with 3rd degree drug charges. After proving that his client was not selling drugs, his client was not violated and his paroled was continued allowing him to be released from prison.




Successful Outcome

SPLIT PARENTING TIME/REDUCED CHILD SUPPORT!! On August 19, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to significantly increase their client’s parenting time from every other weekend to half of the week. Their client’s child support was also reduced from $150 a week to $12 a week.




Successful Outcome

On August 19, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain the release of a client who was charged with 1st degree possession of Cds and host of other 2nd and 3rd degree offenses, even though they had a lengthy criminal history.


Possession of a Handgun


Successful Outcome

On August 13, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with Unlawful Possession of a Handgun. After extensive arguments, his client was released from detention, although he scored high on his Public Safety Assessment.


2nd Degree Weapon


Successful Outcome

On August 7, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client who was charged with several 2nd degree weapon offenses (Gun) and a host of other charges. After a lengthy argument An Attorney Times lawyer was able to acquire his clients release although he had a no release recommendation.


Falsely Accused


Successful Outcome

On July 27th, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client who was falsely accused of mistreating or children. After a year of constant court dates and arguments, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to regain custody of the children for his client.


Restraining Order


Successful Outcome

On July 27th, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 4th degree contempt of court for violating a restraining order and Assault. After months of negotiations and litigation, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain a petty disorderly persons offense for his client, avoiding prison.


Unlawful Possession Of A Weapon


Successful Outcome

On July 16th, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute cds and a host of other offenses. After initially being offered a prison sentence, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of all of the charges.


Distribute CDS


Successful Outcome

On July 9th, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute cds and a host of other offenses. After being offered a 5 year prison sentence An Attorney Times lawyer was able to convince the Judge to allow his client into Special probation.


Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On July 9th, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 3rd degree aggravated assault. After placing the matter on the trial list and showing the state could not prove its case, the state offered his client a disorderly conduct plea.


Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On July 3rd, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 3rd degree Aggravated Assault. After countless months of negotiations and putting the matter on the trial list, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain a disorderly persons offense, as a result of the state conceding they could not prove intent.


1st Degree Robbery


Successful Outcome

On June 30, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a juvenile client charged with 1st degree Robbery and an assortment of 2nd and 3rd degree offenses. After a month of negotiations, the lawyer was able to obtain his release.


3rd Degree Shoplifting


Successful Outcome

On June 30, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 3rd degree Shoplifting and 3rd degree Conspiracy to commit shoplifting. After motion practice and negotiating with the court, the lawyer was able to obtain disorderly persons plea agreement that resulted in a fine.


Unlawful Possession Of A Weapon


Successful Outcome

On June 9, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain an excellent result for for a client charged with two separate complaints of 2nd degree Robbery and Unlawful possession of a weapon, and Aggravated Assault. After obtaining a dismissal of the Aggravated Assault and Weapons offenses, the lawyer was able to obtain a 210 county jail sentence and probation allowing his client to be released after initially being offer 5 years in prison.


Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On June 8, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain an excellent result for a client charged with two separate indictments of 2nd and 3rd degree possession with the intent to distribute cds. After a year of fighting and receiving offers including 6 years in prison, the lawyer was able to obtain a 364 county jail sentence and probation allowing his client to be released.


Unlawful Possession Of A Firearm


Successful Outcome

On May 19, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain an excellent result for for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful possession of a Firearm. After challenging the state's proofs and on the eve of trial, the lawyer was able to get the offense reduced to a Receipt of Stolen property charge.


Shooting, Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On May 12, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain an excellent result for a juvenile charged with a Shooting, a separate Gun offense and an Aggravated Assault charge After challenging the states proofs, his client received a not to exceed 18 months sentence, allowing him to be released before his 18th birthday.


2nd Degree Aggravated Arson


Successful Outcome

On May 12, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain the release of a client charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Arson, 3rd degree Aggravated Assault and a host of other offenses.




Successful Outcome

On May 5, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain the release of a client charged with 1st and 2nd degree Kidnapping and Weapon offenses, after challenging the state's evidence.


Distribute CDS


Successful Outcome

On April 7 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer, obtained a excellent result for a client charged with 2nd and 3rd degree possession with the intent to distribute CDS offenses. After filing a suppression motion, the prosecution realizing that the evidence was seized illegally, offered the lawyer's client a probationary offer and he was released from the county jail.


Distribution of CDS


Successful Outcome

On March 6, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer, obtained a excellent result for a client charged with 3rd degree possession with the intent to distribute CDS and 3rd degree Absconding from Parole on a different Indictment. While his client was serving a parole hit, the lawyer's client pled to a county jail sentence avoiding prison.




Successful Outcome

On March 5, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer and Co-Counsel obtained an excellent result for two clients charged with Shoplifting, that could have landing them both in jail. After extensive negotiations and challenging the state's proofs, the lawyer was able to obtain a complete dismissal, saving their clients from jail.


Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On February 26, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer and Co-Counsel obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Poss of cds and several other drug and traffic offenses. After months of negotiating and obtaining a remanding of the case from Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of all of the charges.


Distribution of CDS


Successful Outcome

On February 14, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 3rd degree distribution of cds, and several other 3rd degree drug related offenses. Prior to the lawyer entering his appearance in the case, the plea offer was a prison sentence. However after attacking the state's evidence, the lawyer was able to obtain a county jail sentence with his client having 5 months jail credit making him eligible to be released.


3rd Degree Offenses


Successful Outcome

On February 10, 2020, An Attorney Times lawyer and co-counsel obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Endangering the Welfare of a child and several 3rd degree offenses. After several months of negotiations, the lawyer's client pled to a term of probation and no jail time.


3rd Degree Drug Distribution


Successful Outcome

On February 10, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain an excellent offer for a client charged with several 3rd degree Drug Distribution charges. Prior to getting in the case, the client's offer was a 4 flat. However, after the lawyer entered his appearance and attacked the case, his client pled to a 364 county jail sentence.


Shoplifting and Theft


Successful Outcome

On February 5, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer and co-counsel obtained an excellent result for a client charged with several counts of Shoplifting and Theft. After months of challenging the state's proofs the lawyer was able to obtain an ordinance for their client which avoids any criminal conviction.


Eluding While on Parole


Successful Outcome

On February 3, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer and co-counsel obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree Eluding while currently on parole and initially being offered a 5 year prison sentence. After a year of negotiations, his client pled to a term on the heds bracelet and probation avoiding a prison sentence.


Degree Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On January 27, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client 3rd degree possession of cds with the intent to distribute (Heroin) and several other counts of possession of Cds while on parole. After a year of negotiations and motions, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain a probationary offer for their client after initially being offered a 6 must serve 3.


Possession of a Weapon (Handgun) 


Successful Outcome

On January 21, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer and co-counsel obtained a great result for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (Handgun) amongst other charges. After a year of negotiations, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to get their client into PTI.


2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon


Successful Outcome

On January 21, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon amongst other charges. After a year of negotiations, the lawyer was able to obtain a 3 must serve 1, allowing the lawyer to argue for probation even though the client had another 3rd degree indictment.


Possession With The Intent to Distribute


Successful Outcome

On January 21, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client charged with 3rd degree Possession with the intent to distribute among other offenses, while currently on pretrial release. After a lengthy detention hearing where the lawyer's client had the highest pre- trial detention scores, the lawyer's client was released.


Possession of a Weapon


Successful Outcome

On January 21, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer and Co-counsel obtained a great result for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon. After filing several motions, the client of An Attorney Times lawyer was able to successfully enroll into Pti, allowing her to avoid mandatory prison time.


3rd Degree Burglary, and 3rd Degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon


Successful Outcome

On January 14, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client charged with 3rd degree Burglary, and 3rd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon charged in separate indictments. After his client was detained prior to his involvement and receiving a 3 year prison offer, the lawyer was able to negotiate a county jail sentence, allowing for his client to be released in a few weeks.


Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On January 13, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client charged with Possession of Cds. After, negotiating with the prosecutor, the lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of the charge.


Possession of a Handgun


Successful Outcome

On January 10, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful possession of a handgun, 2nd degree certain persons not to possess a weapon, and an assortment of charges. After being offer a 5 must serve 5, the lawyer was able to obtain a 5 must serve 3 and half offer after filing several motions.


Violation of Probation


Successful Outcome

On January 10, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer and co-counsel obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with a Violation of Probation after receiving new charges, violating orders from their probation officer and sitting in the county jail. After getting the new charges dismissed, the client was released from custody with the potential of ending their probation early.


Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun)


Successful Outcome

On January 7, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun). After being denied Pti, the lawyer filed a motion to appeal his client's Pti denial and was successful in his appeal, allowing his client to enter into Pti, after being offered 5 years of prison time.


Motion to Revoke Release


Successful Outcome

On January 7, 2020 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who the prosecution filed a motion to revoke their release after he was charged with a new case. After getting his client released on first degree charges 2 years prior, the lawyer's client was charged with several 2nd and 3rd degree offenses. After a 45 minute argument, the Judge denied the States' motion allowing his client to remain free.


3rd Degree Possession With Intent to Distribute CDS


Successful Outcome

On December 17, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute cds, several other cds offenses including a potential 1st degree Strict Liability death charge looming and other Indictments in other counties. After a lengthy oral argument, the lawyer was able to obtain the release of his client.


 Temporary Restraining Order


Successful Outcome

On December 12, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who had a temporary restraining order filed against him. After proving that his client did not harass or harm the alleged victim, the lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of the restraining order.




Successful Outcome

On December 12, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Assault. After showing his client was protecting himself, the Prosecutor agreed to drop the case.


Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On December 11, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Possession of Cds, and Driving with Cds in vehicle which comes with a mandatory 2 years loss of license. After showing that the offenses would irreparably affect his client, the lawyer was able to convince the prosecutor to dismiss the case.


Simple Assault


Successful Outcome

On December 11, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with simple assault. After, negotiating with the prosecutor, the lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of the charges after showing that his client was innocent of provoking the altercation.


3rd degree drug Charges, While on Special Probation


Successful Outcome

On December 9, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd and 3rd degree drug charges, while on special probation. With the client facing several Violation of Probation's offenses that would land him in prison, the lawyer was able to obtain a plea that called for a 3 year stipulation with jail credits and his client was released pending sentencing.


2nd and 3rd degree drug charges


Successful Outcome

On December 9, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd and 3rd degree drug charges, while being on drug court. With the threat of filing a motion to dismiss the indictment and trial, the prosecutor offered a 4 flat plea after initially offering a consecutive 8 must serve 4. The plea will run concurrent to the drug court violation of a 4 flat.


Assault and Harassment


Successful Outcome

On December 3, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Assault and Harassment after falsely being accused of instigating a fight. After months of negotiations, the lawyer was able to convince the prosecutor to dismiss the criminal offenses.


Unlawful Possession of Cds


Successful Outcome

On December 2, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Unlawful Possession of Cds. After negotiating with the prosecutor and showing that the Cds offense would irreparably damage his clients life, the lawyer convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the case.


unlawful possession of a weapon


Successful Outcome

SHOOTING DISMISSED!!! On November 21st, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with two separate offenses including a shooting and unlawful possession of a weapon. After extensive negotiations and proving his client was not the shooter, the lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of the Shooting and Weapons charges, after being offered a 7 must serve 85.


1st degree Strict Liability death


Successful Outcome

On November 21th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 1st degree Strict Liability death, and an assortment of other offenses. After months of negotiating and days prior to the trial, the lawyer's client pled to a 8 year sentence after his client was exposed to 20 years in prison.


1st Degree Robbery


Successful Outcome

On November 15th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a juvenile client charged with 1st degree Robbery, and an assortment of other offenses. After months of negotiating, the lawyer was able negotiate a plea deal that did not waive his clients matter to adult court. His client will enter into a program and will be subsequently released allowing him to finish high school and go to college.


1st Degree Attempted Murder


Successful Outcome

On November 14th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 1st degree Attempted Murder, 2nd degree Aggravated Assault and a host of other offenses. After challenging the facts of the case, the lawyer's client received a 3 flat sentence that will run concurrent to his current prison sentence, making him eligible for release in a year.


 3rd Degree Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On November 13th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 3rd degree Aggravated Assault and 4th degree resisting arrest. After, placing the matter on the trial list and preparing for trial, the lawyer's client received a suspended sentence.


 3rd Degree Theft, After Being Charged With Stealing $50,000


Successful Outcome

On November 13th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for his client who was charged with several counts of 3rd degree Theft, after being charged with stealing 50k from a casino. After, extensive negotiations, the lawyer's client pled to a term of probation that will run concurrent with his other matters throughout 3 different states.


2nd Degree Aggravated


Successful Outcome

On November 7th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a dismissal for his client who was charged with 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault. After extensive negotiations and close trial calls, the lawyer was able to obtain a Simple Assault plea deal that called for fines only.


2nd Degree possession with intent to distribute


Successful Outcome

On November 7th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a dismissal for his client who was charged with 2nd Degree possession with intent to distribute, 3rd degree possession of Cds and a host of other offenses. After his client was initially offered a 8 year prison sentence with a 4 year stipulation, the lawyer was able to a obtain a 3 year sentence making his client eligible for release after one year.


2nd Degree Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On November 7th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a dismissal for his client who was charged with 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault, 2nd degree Burglary and other offenses. After initially being offered a 5 must serve 85 percent plea deal, the lawyer was able to obtain a probationary offer that would allow his client to avoid prison.




Successful Outcome

On November 7th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a dismissal for his client who was charged with Harassment and a host of other offenses. After negotiating with the prosecutor, the prosecutor agreed to dismiss the charges.


Assault Trespassing


Successful Outcome

On November 7th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a dismissal for his client who was charged with Assault, Trespassing and a host of other offenses. After, negotiating with the prosecutor, the lawyer was able to convince the prosecutor to dismiss the matter.


Assault Dismissal


Successful Outcome

On November 7th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a dismissal for his client who was charged with Assault. After, negotiating with the prosecutor, the lawyer was able to convince the prosecutor to dismiss the matter.




Successful Outcome

On November 7th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer and co-counsel obtained an excellent result for a client charged with Harassment. After negotiating with the prosecutor and showing that his client did not commit the offense the matter was dismissed.




Successful Outcome

On November 7th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer and co-counsel obtained an excellent result for a client charged with Theft. After negotiating with the prosecutor and showing that his client did not commit the offense, the matter was dismissed.


2nd Degree Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On November 4th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Assault, 2nd degree Burglary, Weapons possession and a separate Drug offense indictment. After, extensive negotiations and a potential trial, the lawyer's client was offered a 3 flat for a 3rd degree Burglary making him eligible for parole in 9 months, after being offered a 5 year must serve 85 percent plea deal.


Receiving Stolen Property


Successful Outcome

On Oct 31, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 4th degree receiving stolen property. After, showing that the state did not have jurisdiction, and the case was questionable, the prosecutor dismissed the case.


3rd Degree Theft


Successful Outcome

On Oct 24, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 3rd degree Theft that would have caused his deportation. After a year of negotiations and being placed on the trial list, his client received a suspended sentence for receiving stolen property, saving him from being deported.


Unlawful Possession of a Weapon


Successful Outcome

On Oct 21, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client facing 30 years in Prison for 1st degree Robbery, 2nd degree Unlawful possession of a weapon (handgun) and a host of other offenses under two indictments. On the morning of trial, the prosecutor offered the lawyer's client 3 years of probation after he offered a 10 year prison sentence initially.


Unlawful Possession of a Handgun


Successful Outcome

On Oct 15, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client facing a mandatory 5 year prison sentence as a result of being charged with 2nd degree Unlawful possession of a Handgun. After countless motions and arguments, the lawyer was able to convince the prosecutor to give his client Pti because his possession of the gun would have been lawful in his client's home state.




Successful Outcome

"JURY TRIAL WIN" On Oct 10, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client facing 30 years on a Aggravated Manslaughter charge. After receiving a plea offer of 26 years, the lawyer and his client asked for a jury trial and gained an acquittal of the Aggravated Manslaughter charge after a 2 week trial.


Restraining Order


Successful Outcome

On Oct 9, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client going to trial challenging a violation of a restraining order. After extensive negotiations with the other parties attorney, the lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of the restraining order.


Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (Handgun)


Successful Outcome

On Sep 27, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (Handgun), Burglary, and several counts of Theft. After, facing upwards of 20 years in prison and possible deportation, the lawyer was able to obtain a 5 must serve 1 plea deal with his client having 11 months jail credits, that also allowed his client to be released from jail pending sentencing.


Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On Sep 23, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for client charged with 3rd degree Possession with intent to distribute and 3rd degree Possession of Cds, while on probation. After threatening to file a suppression motion, his client was allowed to continue probation and avoid prison.


Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On Sep 19, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for client charged with Aggravated Assault after recently being released from Prison for manslaughter. After negotiating, the lawyer successfully convinced the prosecutor that his client did not commit an Assault on a Officer, and pled to a disorderly persons offense.


Possession of Cds (Marijuana)


Successful Outcome

On Sep 19, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for client charged with Possession of Cds (Marijuana). After proving that a guilty conviction would have a severe effect on his clients future prospects, the matter was dismissed, allowing for his client to maintain a clean record.


 Possession of Cds (MDMA/Molly)


Successful Outcome

On Sep 19, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for client charged with 3rd degree Possession of Cds (MDMA/Molly), and a host of other offenses. After negotiations, the lawyer's client pled to a disorderly persons offense, avoiding Prison time and Probation.


 Possession of a Weapon (handgun)


Successful Outcome

On Sep 12, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for client charged with unlawful possession of a weapon (handgun). After lengthy negotiations and showing the prosecutor that his client did not possess the Handgun illegally, his client was accepted into PTI.


Facing life in prison


Successful Outcome

On Sep 4, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for client charged with a three count indictment by the federal government. After facing life in prison, the lawyer obtained an unprecedented plea deal for his client in Federal court, calling for a 10 year sentence with 2 years jail credit.


Sued for several thousand dollars


Successful Outcome

On Sep 3, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for client being sued for several thousand dollars. After challenging the lawsuit, the opposing party decided to withdraw the lawsuit after the lawyer proved his client's likely success at trial.


Possession of a weapon (handgun)


Successful Outcome

On Aug 29, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful possession of a weapon (handgun). After months of litigation and motions, the lawyer was able to convince the Judge to allow his client to serve a probationary sentence rather then prison.


Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On Aug 23, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 3rd degree Possession of Cds and 3rd degree shoplifting on two different indictments. After over a year of negotiations, the lawyer was able to obtain two disorderly person offenses that will prevent his client from having immigration issues and avoiding prison.


2nd degree Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On Aug 21, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with two 2nd degree Possession of Cds with the intent to distribute charges, 3rd degree distribution charges and a host of other offenses. After a lengthy argument. the lawyer was able to obtain the release of his client while they fight the case.


Unlawful possession of a weapon
(2 handguns)


Successful Outcome

On Aug 12, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with two indictments of 2nd degree Unlawful possession of a weapon (2 handguns), 2nd degree Aggravated Assault (shooting) and a host of other offenses. After three years of negotiations, his client's 2nd gun case was DISMISSED and he received a 3 must serve 1 on the other gun case. the lawyer's client 2nd degree Aggravated Assault was downgraded to a 4th degree Assault by pointing.


Possession with intent to distribute


Successful Outcome

On Aug 6, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd and 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute Cds, on two separate indictments. After already pleading to a previous 4 year jail sentence and incurring the new charges while pending sentencing, the lawyer obtained a 6 flat offer allowing for his client be eligible for ISP.


3rd Degree possession with intent to distribute (Heroin)


Successful Outcome

On Aug 5, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd and 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute (Heroin). After negotiating and filing motions, his client received a 3 year sentence allowing him be eligible for parole in 10 months. His client also received an extended sentencing date allowing him to spend time with his children.


2nd degree Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On Aug 5, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 1st degree Robbery, 2nd degree Unlawful possession of a weapon and a host of other offenses after allegedly robbing a New Jersey Burger King. After showing that his client could be found not guilty at trial, his client received only 5 years after the prosecutor agreed to drop the gun offense and downgrade the 1st degree Robbery. This matter will also concurrent with another 5 year sentence in another county.


Possession of a Weapon


Successful Outcome

On Aug 2, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon. After extensive motion practice and negotiations, the lawyer's client was allowed into Pti, allowing for the matter to be dismissed upon successful completion of the program.


2nd Degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon


Successful Outcome

On July 25, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon. After extensive motion practice and negotiations, the lawyer's client pled to a 3 must serve 1, and will likely receive a probationary sentence after speaking with the state.




Successful Outcome

On July 23, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with Assault. After, proving that his client did not Assault the opposing party, the matter was dismissed.


2nd degree Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On July 15, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Assault, 3rd degree Aggravated Assault and numerous other charges along with an additional 3rd degree Distribution of Cds (Heroin) Indictment. After months of negotiations and working the cases, the lawyer's client pled to a term of probation and 180 days on the ankle bracelet.


 Possession with Intent to Distribute (Heroin)


Successful Outcome

On July 12, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 3rd degree Possession with Intent to Distribute (Heroin). After being offered a 8 must serve 4, the lawyer's client pled to a probationary term after convincing the Judge that rehabilitation would be better for his client then a prison sentence.


restraining order dismissed


Successful Outcome

On July 10, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was falsely accused of sexual assault. After his client was exonerated by the police department, the lawyer was able to get the restraining order dismissed after the accuser realized that the lawyer and his client were fully prepared to show evidence of the false accusations in trial.


3rd degree Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On July 9, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 3rd degree Aggravated Assault and 4th degree tampering. After his client was detained, the lawyer opted to put the matter on the trial list because of the weakness of the states proofs. After his client sat for 3 months in the county jail, the lawyer's client pled to a disorderly conduct charge, allowing for his client to be released from custody.


2nd and 3rd degree possession of Cds


Successful Outcome

On July 8, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with two separate indictments with 2nd and 3rd degree possession of Cds with the intent to distribute charges. After extensive negotiations and with the help of co-counsel, the lawyer's client pled to a 5 must serve one, allowing for his client to be eligible for ISP. Prior to the lawyer's entry his client was facing more the 20 years in prison.


1st degree Robbery, 1st degree Kidnapping


Successful Outcome

On July 3, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 1st degree Robbery, 1st degree Kidnapping, and a host of other charges that could have landed his client in prison for life. After, extensive negotiations , the lawyer was able to get the plea agreement down from a 15 must serve 85 percent to a 5 year sentence with 2 years jail credits.


2nd degree Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On June 28, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Assault, 2nd degree unlawful possession of a weapon, and 2nd degree Conspiracy. After vigorously arguing for his client's freedom, the Judge agreed with the lawyer and released his client, allowing him to fight the case from home.


Possession with intent to Distribute Heroin


Successful Outcome

On June 26, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 3rd degree Possession with intent to Distribute Heroin after getting caught with 600 bags of Heroin. After threatening to file a suppression motion, his client received a probationary offer to run concurrent with his current probation.


Driving Under the Influence "APPEAL WON"


Successful Outcome

"APPEAL WON" On June 25, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was found guilty of Driving Under the Influence after a 3 hour trial. Immediately after losing trial the lawyer successfully appealed the verdict, and received a NOT GUILTY verdict in Superior court, after proving that the Judge should not have found his client guilty.


 3rd degree drug charges


Successful Outcome

On June 24, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was detained on a violation of drug court probation for receiving new 3rd degree drug charges. After explaining to the Judge that his client may be innocent of the new charges, his client was released after being detained for a month.


 Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On June 24, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Burglary, 3rd degree Aggravated Assault and a host of other offenses after getting into an altercation on video. After months of negotiations the lawyer successfully worked the offer down from a 8 must serve 85% to a 364 day county jail sentence. The lawyer's client can also argue to serve the sentence on electronic monitoring.


 3rd degree theft


Successful Outcome

On June 18, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 3rd degree theft and 3rd degree theft by deception. After negotiating with the state, the lawyer's client received a disorderly persons offense, allowing for his client to avoid a felony.


 1st and 2nd degree drug charges


Successful Outcome

On June 18, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 1st and 2nd degree drug charges. After negotiating with the prosecutor, his client was allowed to be released from the county jail prior to the detention hearing.


 excellent result Possession of Cds


Successful Outcome

On June 13, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with Possession of Cds. After negotiating with the state, the lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of the criminal offense. The dismissal allows for his client to maintain a spotless criminal record.


 Possession of Cds


Successful Outcome

On June 12, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with Possession of Cds. After negotiating with the state, the lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of the criminal offense, allowing for his client to plead to a local ordinance.


 2nd degree Aggravated Assaults


Successful Outcome

On June 12, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with two 2nd degree Aggravated Assaults (stabbings) caught on camera. After challenging the video, and showing that it would he hard to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt, his client pled to a term of probation and 180 days on the bracelet.


 Possession of Handgun


Successful Outcome

On June 12, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of Handgun and host of other offenses. After extensive negotiations, the lawyer's client pled to a plea agreement that calls for only a one year stipulation. The plea also allows the lawyer to argue for probation.


Attempted Murder, Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On June 3, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with Attempted Murder, Aggravated Assault and a host of other offenses. After the shooting was caught on camera, the lawyer successfully negotiated a 9 year sentence avoiding the potential life sentence his client was facing.




Successful Outcome

SUPPRESSION MOTION WON: On May 30, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer won a Suppression Motion where the judge suppressed a handgun and 20 bricks of Heroin after the lawyer proved that the officer illegally searched the vehicle. After 3 hours of oral arguments, the lawyer showed that the officer should not have taken his client out of the car and he should not have attempted to trick the driver into giving consent. The lawyer’s clients offer was a 10 must serve 5. Now that case is DISMISSED his client has his life back.


 Possession of Cds


Successful Outcome

On May 30, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with Possession of Cds. After negotiating with the prosecutor, his client's criminal charge was dismissed.




Successful Outcome

On May 28, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a full DISMISSAL for a client charged with Assault. After, negotiating with the prosecutor, the lawyer’s client was exonerated allowing for her criminal record to remain clean.


 termination of probation


Successful Outcome

On May 28, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was sentenced to 3 years of probation. After his client completed all of her obligations, the lawyer successfully filed and argued for her early termination of probation.


 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun)  [A]


Successful Outcome

On May 24, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun) and a host of other offenses. After a year of negotiations, his client pled and was sentenced to a 5 must serve 1, allowing for his client to be released with a few weeks.


 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun) [B]


Successful Outcome

On May 23, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun) and a host of other offenses, after being released for sentencing on two other gun charges. After negotiating and avoiding federal prosecution, his client pled to a concurrent 5 must serve 3 and a half sentence avoiding any additional jail time


 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun) [C]


Successful Outcome

On May 23, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun) and a host of other offenses. After filing for a Graves Waiver and getting denied, the lawyer filed a motion to appeal the Graves Waiver denial and WON. The lawyer's client received a 5 must serve one, instead of a 5 must serve 3 and and a half.


 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon


Successful Outcome

On May 23, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun) and a host of other offenses. After filing for a Graves Waiver and getting denied, the lawyer filed a motion to appeal the Graves Waiver denial and WON. The lawyer's client received a 5 must serve one, instead of a 5 must serve 3 and and a half.


Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun)


Successful Outcome

On May 23, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun), 3rd degree Possession of Cds with the intent to distribute and 6 other 3rd degree offenses. After a lengthy oral arguement his client was released from the county jail, after the state objected.


1st Degree Witness Tampering


Successful Outcome

On May 22, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 1st Degree Witness Tampering and 4th degree Obstruction. After an extensive oral arguement, his client was released from the county jail.


 3rd Aggravated Assault and 3rd degree Burglary


Successful Outcome

On May 21, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 3rd Aggravated Assault and 3rd degree Burglary. After an extensive oral arguement, his client was released from the county jail although there was a no release recommendation.


3rd Aggravated Assault and 3rd degree Burglary


Successful Outcome

On May 21, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 3rd Aggravated Assault and 3rd degree Burglary. After an extensive oral arguement, his client was released from the county jail although there was a no release recommendation.


2nd and 3rd degree drug offenses


Successful Outcome

On May 17, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 2nd and 3rd degree drug offenses while pending sentencing for a 2nd degree Aggravated Assault. After negotiating, The lawyer's client pled to a 365 day sentence with a term of probation, with no objection to day reporting or heds. This sentence will ensure his client does not gain any more prison time outside his current sentence.


 5 separate 1st degree Robberies


Successful Outcome

On May 17, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who was charged with 5 separate 1st degree Robberies, 2nd degree Aggravated Assault (Shooting), and a 2nd degree unlawful possession of a weapon charge. After 18 months of negotiations, filed motions and potential trial listings, his client pled to a 5 year sentence with 18 months jail credits. The lawyer's client also was released pending sentencing.


temporary restraining order


Successful Outcome

On May 16, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who had a temporary restraining order filed against them using fake and bogus evidence. Through negotiations with the filing party's attorney and showing the Plaintiff's attorney proof that The lawyer's client did nothing wrong, the Restraining order was dismissed.


temporary restraining order


Successful Outcome

On May 16, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client who had a temporary restraining order filed against them causing them to be incarcerated for a week. Through negotiations with the filing party's attorney, The lawyer was able to obtain a dismissal of the final restraining order and terminate any and all future child support payments for his client.


3rd degree Possession CDS


Successful Outcome

On May 14, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 3rd degree Possession cds, Possession with the intent to distribute as well as other offenses. After getting the case removed to municipal court, The lawyer's client pled to a disorderly persons offense, receiving only a fine allowing him to stay in drug court.




Successful Outcome

NOT GUILTY VERDICT!!! On May 6, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a NOT GUILTY VERDICT after a one week jury trial. His client was charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Arson, 3rd degree Arson, and Assault on an officer.


2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a weapon


Successful Outcome

On May 6, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a weapon, 2nd degree possession of a weapon and a host of other offenses. After filing a motion and winning on its merits, his client was enrolled and accepted into PTI.


2nd degree Agg Assault


Successful Outcome

On May 6, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Agg Assault, 3rd Degree Assault and other offenses. After oral arguments his client was released from the county jail, although the Assessment report indicated that he should remain in the jail.


2nd degree Conspiracy to 
Distribute CDS


Successful Outcome

On April 29th, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Conspiracy to Distribute Cds, 2nd degree Possession with intent to Distribute cds, and 3rd degree Possession of Cds after being involved in the highly publicized "Oxy Highway" case. After extensive negotiations, The lawyer's client pled to 3 years of probation with the Judge indicating that his client can apply for early termination after 18 months.


1st degree Possession with intent to Distribute


Successful Outcome

On April 22, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 1st degree Possession with intent to Distribute (Heroin), 1st degree conspiracy and a host of other offenses. After extensive negotiations and motions filed, The lawyer's client's charges were downgraded and his client was allowed into Drug court with a 5 must serve 2 and a half alternative sentence. The lawyer's clients first offer was a 16 must serve 8.


3rd degree Theft


Successful Outcome

On April 22, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 3rd degree Theft and at risk of losing her career. After extensive negotiations, and The lawyer showing that at trial the case likely would be dismissed, his client pled to a disorderly persons offense, allowing her to keep her job.


2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a weapon


Successful Outcome

On April 18, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a weapon (handgun) after a search of a hotel room, and several other 2nd and 3rd degree distribution of cds offenses. After 2 years of fighting and filing motions, The lawyer's client pled to a term of probation after getting the gun dismissed.


Terroristic Threats


Successful Outcome

On April 11, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 3rd degree Terroristic Threats while being on Parole. After six months of litigation The lawyer's client pled to a petty disorderly persons offense resulting in only a fine, after being offered years of prison time.


Probation Terminated


Successful Outcome

On April 5, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who had 4 years of probation. After filing a motion, The lawyer's client probation was terminated 6 months into the term.


Certain Persons not to possess a 
weapon, Possession of Cds 


Successful Outcome

On April 4, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with several counts including 2nd degree Certain Persons not to possess a weapon, 2nd degree Possession of Cds with the intent to distribute as well as several other drug offenses. After challenging the search warrant, The lawyer obtained a plea deal that allows for his client to be eligible for the halfway house in 6 months.


1st Degree Gang Criminality, Gun And
Drug Offenses


Successful Outcome

On March 29, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with several counts including 1st degree Gang criminality, and several other 1st and 2nd degree gun and drug offenses. After two years of fighting, The lawyer obtained a plea deal that allows for his client to be released in 3 years after being offer a plea deal with a 14 year stipulation.


1st Degree Kidnapping, 2nd Degree Unlawful Possession Of Handguns


Successful Outcome

On March 25, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with several indictments including a 1st degree Kidnapping, two separate indictments with 2nd degree unlawful possession of handguns, and 2 indictments with 2nd and 3rd degree drug charges. After extensive negotiations his client pled to a sentence with a 3 and a half year stipulation after getting the Kidnapping charge dismissed. His client also has 14 months jail credits allowing for him to be eligible for the halfway house.


 Violating A Restraining Order


Successful Outcome

On March 21, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with several 4th degree contempt courts, after allegedly violating a restraining order. After the state was seeking 90 days in jail and telling the former attorney that they would not go down, The lawyer was able to get his client the ankle monitoring bracelet.


2nd Degree Possession With Intent To Distribute (cocaine)


Successful Outcome

On March 21, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree possession with intent to distribute (cocaine), 2nd degree possession of Cds (cocaine), and 2nd degree the Endangering the welfare of a child. After a lengthy argument and proving his client was not a threat to society, his client was released from the county jail.


Possession With Intent To Distribute


Successful Outcome

On March 18, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd and 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute drug charges. After challenging the State's witness statements, The lawyer's client pled to a 364 jail sentence with 4 months jail credit, and The lawyer arguing for a suspended sentence.


1st Degree Attempted Murder


Successful Outcome

On March 11, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an unprecedented outcome for a client charged with a 1st degree Attempted Murder, multiple counts of 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault and a host of other offenses after an incident was caught on camera. After challenging the State's witness statements, The lawyer's client pled to a 365 jail sentence and was released from custody after facing LIFE in prison.


Drug Case Dismissed


Successful Outcome

On March 7, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with possession of cds. After, challenging the lab results, The lawyer was able to get the drug case dismissed


3rd Degree Possession Of CDS


Successful Outcome

On March 6, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with multiple counts of 3rd Degree Possession of Cds (Cocaine) with the intent to Distribute. After negotiating with the prosecutors on the case, The lawyer's client received short term probation.


3 Ounces Of Heroin


Successful Outcome

On March 5, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with two indictments of 2nd and 3rd Degree Possession of Cds (3 ounces of Heroin) with the intent to Distribute. After negotiating with the two prosecutors on the case, The lawyer was able to work out a plea deal that allows for his client to be eligible for ISP immediately.


Aggravated Assault (shooting)


Successful Outcome

On March 5, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault (shooting), 2nd Degree Unlawful possession of a weapon and a host of other offenses. After negotiating and arguing the case's flaws, The lawyer was able to obtain a 3 and half year stipulation while his client had 17 months jail credits. His client was also released pending sentencing.


1st Degree Kidnapping


Successful Outcome

On February 28, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with a 1st Degree Kidnapping, 2nd degree Aggravated Assault and a host of other offenses. After proving that the victim was not reliable, The lawyer's pled to a 3 flat making his client eligible for parole immediately with 14 months jail credit. His client was also released pending sentencing.


1 Pound Of Cocaine


Successful Outcome

On February 28, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with a 1st Degree distribution of cds (1pound of Cocaine) and various 2nd degree offenses. After several motions and challenging the state, his client pled to a plea deal that runs concurrent with his probation and allowing him to be eligible for release in 2 years.


leader of a Drug trafficking network


Successful Outcome

On February 27, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with a 1st Degree leader of a Drug trafficking network, and various 1st degree offenses. After 4 years of fighting and challenging the states evidence, his client pled to a 5 year mandatory prison sentence with 4 years jail credit.


2nd Degree Possession Of CDS


Successful Outcome

On February 14, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable outcome for his client charged with 2nd degree Possession of Cds with intent to distribute, 3rd degree possession of Cds and a host of other offenses. The lawyer's client received a probationary offer after challenging the states assertion that his client was selling drugs. The lawyer's clients first offer was a 8 year prison sentence.


1st Degree Drug Induced Death


Successful Outcome

On February 13, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable outcome and the release of his client charged with 1st degree Drug induced death (manslaughter), 2nd degree distribution of Cds (Heroin), and a host other offenses. After proving that the Confidential informant did not identify his client, the Judge agreed to release his client.


100 Bricks Of Heroin


Successful Outcome

On February 8th, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree possession with intent to distribute (100 bricks of Heroin), along with a host of 3rd degree charges after a raid on the home. After analyzing the search warrant and showing its flaws, The lawyer's client received a 3 year offer which makes him eligible to be released.


3rd Degree Theft


Successful Outcome

During the month January, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable outcome for a client charged with 3rd degree Theft. After analyzing the evidence and negotiating with the prosecutor, the case was sent back to municipal court.


Possession Of Weapon (handgun)


Successful Outcome

On January 31, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful possession of weapon (handgun) and 2nd degree eluding. After arguing that his client was not attempting to break the law rather protect his family his client received probation.


2nd Degree Eluding


Successful Outcome

On January 31, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree endangering the welfare of a child and 2nd degree eluding. After two years of negotiating his client received a suspended sentence.


Aggravated Assault (shooting)


Successful Outcome

On January 11, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 1st degree Aggravated Assault (shooting), 2nd degree Unlawful possession of a weapon (Handgun), and a host of other charges. Facing 80 years, The lawyer convinced the prosecutor that the person captured on the video was not his client. His client received a 18 month sentence with 13 months jail credit.


Possession With Intent To Distribute


Successful Outcome

On January 4, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client who violated his suspended sentence with several new charges including 3rd degree Possession with intent to distribute, 3rd degree possession of cds and 4th degree possession of cds. After his client was incarcerated for the past month on the violation, The lawyer was able to convince the Judge that his client was not a threat to the community and was released.


Money Laundering $30,000 In Cash


Successful Outcome

On January 2, 2019, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful possession of a weapon, 3rd degree Possession with intent to distribute, and Money laundering after being caught with over $30,000 in cash. After a lengthy detention hearing, The lawyer was able to convince the Judge that his client was not a threat to the community nor a flight risk and was released from the county jail.


3rd Degree Theft


Successful Outcome

On December 20, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2 counts of 3rd degree Theft after allegedly stealing thousands of dollars from a corporate hotel. After negotiating with the prosecutor and showing that case could be won at trial, The lawyer's client was sentenced to two years probation.


1st Degree Attempted Murder


Successful Outcome

On December 14, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an unprecedented outcome for a client charged with 1st degree Attempted Murder, 2nd degree Aggravated Assault, 3rd Degree Unlawful Possession of a weapon and a 2nd Indictment for 3rd degree Aggravated Assault. The lawyer's client received a 3 year flat sentence with 15 months Jail credit and was released pending sentence after being offered a 20 year prison sentence.


Violation Of Probation


Successful Outcome

On December 14, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with a violation of probation. After negotiating with the probation officer, The lawyer's client's probation was terminated.


Violation Of A Suspended Sentence


Successful Outcome

On December 14, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with several counts of Violation of Probation as well as a violation of a suspended sentence. After multiple arguments, The lawyer's client was allowed to continue probation and his suspended sentence.


Unlawful Possession Of A Weapon


Successful Outcome

On December 11, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful possession, 3rd degree unlawful possession of a weapon, 2nd degree burglary, and 2nd degree possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose. After placing the matter on the trial list and showing they could not prove the case, the prosecutor offered a disorderly persons offense.


Unlawful Possession Of A weapon


Successful Outcome

On December 10, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful possession of a weapon, 4th degree unlawful possession of a weapon and 3rd degree Aggravated Assault. The lawyer secured a probationary offer after negotiating with the prosecutor and showing that his client had a strong case at trial.


Possession With Intent To


Successful Outcome

On December 7, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with several indictments including 2nd degree possession with intent to distribute and witness tampering. The lawyer was able to secure a one year prison stip, with several months jail credits.


Custody And Parenting Time


Successful Outcome

On December 5, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client who was being taken to court to lose custody and parenting time. Although, the opposing party hired a Doctor who was an expert in the field as well as have an expert report, The lawyer was able to negotiate a deal that allowed his client to not lose any parenting time nor custody of the child in question.


Unlawful Possession Of A Weapon


Successful Outcome

On November 28, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful possession of a weapon, 3rd degree possession of cds, and several other charges. After The lawyer showed that his client did not possess the weapon, nor could have possessed the weapon, the charges were dropped.


3rd Degree Terroristic Threat


Successful Outcome

On November 28, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with 3rd degree Terroristic Threat, in a case involving the bullying of her daughter. After showing the prosecutor that his client did not threaten anyone, rather was protecting her daughter, the case was dismissed.


Witness Tampering


Successful Outcome

On November 27, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Witness Tampering, in a case involving a Murder. After showing the prosecutor that his client was not engaging in the witness tampering being that he was related to the witness, his client pled to a time served sentence which allowed his client to be released from the county jail immediately.


Robbery and drug indictments


Successful Outcome

On November 15, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Robbery and several drug indictments. After fighting the case for two years and placing the matter on the trial list, The lawyer's client pled and was allowed into drug court.


Intent To Distribute Heroin


Successful Outcome

On November 14, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Possession intent to distribute heroin, Possession of heroin, and several other possession charges after an alleged hand to hand cds sale. The lawyer's client received a concurrent 2 and a half year stipulation after already pleading to a handgun and being released pending sentencing on a seperate indictment. The lawyer convinced the prosecutor that his client was young and still had time to turn his life around.


Intent To Distribute Cocaine


Successful Outcome

On November 8, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Possession intent to distribute cocaine, Possession of Cocaine, and several other possession charges after a search warrant and raid of the residence. The lawyer's client received a 3 year suspended sentence after The lawyer convinced the prosecutor that it would he very difficult to prove his clients guilt at trial.


Possession Of Heroin


Successful Outcome

On November 8, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Possession of Heroin. The lawyer's client received a probationary offer after The lawyer convinced the prosecutor that his client was an addict rather then a drug dealer.


Intent To Distribute Cocaine


Successful Outcome

On November 8, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Possession with intent to distribute cocaine. The lawyer's client received a probationary offer after The lawyer negotiated with the prosecutor showing that his client was not a drug dealer.


Caught On Video


Successful Outcome

On November 8, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with two separate indictments of theft from a person caught on video. After negotiating with the prosecutor The lawyer's client received a probationary offer with heds  program, even though the original plea offer called for a 5 year prison sentence. The lawyer's client will not have to spend a day in jail.


1st Degree Robbery


Successful Outcome

On October 23, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 5 different Indictments. The lawyer handled 2 of the indictments which included a 1st degree robbery, Witness Tampering, and an additional indictment that included tampering with evidence. The lawyer’s client received a 3 year prison sentence on the 1st degree robbery and was released from jail pending sentencing.


Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On October 22, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 3rd degree Aggravated Assault, and 3rd degree Terroristic Threat. After pushing the matter to trial, The lawyer’s client received a plea deal that made his client eligible for parole after spending 11 months in the county jail.


Possession Of A Firearm


Successful Outcome

On October 18, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a extraordinary outcome for a client who was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, possession with intent to distribute cds and a host of other offenses. After successfully getting the gun counts dismissed, the lawyer argued and won his client's admittance into special probation thus avoiding a lengthy prison sentence.


Possession Of A (Handgun)


Successful Outcome

On October 17, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an extremely rare outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (Handgun). After filing several legal memorandums his client was accepted into PTI, which will lead to a dismissal upon its completion.


Possession Of A Handgun


Successful Outcome

On October 11, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful possession of a handgun, 2nd degree possession of a weapon while committing a cds offense, 2nd degree possession with intent to distribute cds, and a host of other offenses that could have landed his client in prison for 46 years. After The lawyer negotiated with the prosecutor, The lawyer's client received a 3 year sentence with one year parole eligibility that makes his client eligible for parole in 7 months.


Possession Of CDS


Successful Outcome

On October 11, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with possession of cds, and possession of cds in a vehicle. After The lawyer negotiated with the prosecutor, The lawyer's client received a municipal ordinance which allowed his client to keep his job and license.




Successful Outcome

On October 10, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with two separate counts of shoplifting which would have landed her mandatory jail time if convicted. After The lawyer negotiated with the prosecutor and put the matter on the trial list, The lawyer's client received a full dismissal of both counts after the state could not prove its case.


Possession Of Cocaine, Intent
To Distribute


Successful Outcome

On October 5, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Possession of Cocaine with the intent to distribute, 3rd degree Possession with the intent to Distribute, 3rd degree Possession of Cds and a host of other offenses. After The lawyer negotiated with the prosecutor and put the matter on the trial list, The lawyer's client receiver a suspended sentence.


Possession Of A Handgun


Successful Outcome

On September 28, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful unlawful possession of a handgun, 2nd degree eluding and a host of other offenses. After The lawyer negotiated with the prosecutor, The lawyer convinced the prosecutor to give his client a partial graves waiver, allowing his client to be eligible for parole in 8 months with 4 months jail credit.


Possession Of Heroin


Successful Outcome

On September 28, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 3rd degree possession of Heroin. After his client already pled to a term of probation, The lawyer was able to convince the prosecutor to give his client a concurrent plea, thus not causing a change in his client's prior plea agreement on a different indictment.


Possession Of A Handgun


Successful Outcome

On September 18, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful possession of a weapon (handgun), and 2nd degree certain persons not to possess a weapon (handgun). After convincing the prosecutor that there was no way his client could have possessed the handgun, the case was fully dismissed and his client was immediately released from jail.


Possession Of A Weapon (Handgun)


Successful Outcome

On September 17, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (Handgun), and 2nd degree Possession of a Weapon (Handgun) for unlawful persons. After proving that his client did not have a handgun and was falsely accused, the Prosecutor agreed to dismiss the case, and his client was fully exonerated.


Violating Of Probation


Successful Outcome

On September 14, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained the release of a client charged with violating probation. After negotiating with the Prosecutor and Probation Department, The lawyer gained the release of a client who was incarcerated for 4 months.


Eluding, Aggravated assault


Successful Outcome

On September 11, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree eluding, 3rd degree aggravated and 3rd degree theft on one Indictment and 3rd degree Aggravated assault, and a host of other charges on the 2nd Indictment. After convincing the prosecutor that there was more to the story, his client received probation and immediately released from jail.


Possession / Intent To
Distribute CDS


Successful Outcome

On September 6, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 3rd degree possession with the intent to distribute Cds, and 3rd degree possession of Cds, on two separate indictments. After threatening to go to trial, The lawyer's client received a non custodial probationary offer.


1st Degree Kidnapping


Successful Outcome

On September 7, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a flawless outcome for a client charged with 1st Degree Kidnapping, 2nd Degree Possession of a Firearm for an Unlawful Purpose, 2nd Degree Possession of Cds with intent to distribute, as well as a host of other offenses. After his client was falsely accused and detained in the county jail, The lawyer obtained a complete dismissal of all of the charges against his client and his client was released immediately after sitting a year in the county jail.


Parenting time


Successful Outcome

On September 5, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client who was seeking more parenting time and lower child support payments. After weeks of negotiating with the other parties Attorney, The lawyer’s client received considerably lower child support payments as well as more parenting time for his child.




Successful Outcome

On September 5, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client seeking custody of his kids and lower child support payments. After hours of negotiating with the parties, The lawyer’s client obtained custody of two of his children and lowered his child support payments for his other children.


Reckless driving


Successful Outcome

On August 28, 2018, in a local municipal court, The lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, No insurance and a hosts of other offenses after being involved in an accident in which she totaled the car. With his client facing a mandatory 1 year loss of license and jail time, The lawyer negotiated with the prosecutor to allow his client to plead to a careless driving ticket resulting in a $200 fine.


Child Custody


Successful Outcome

On September 5, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client seeking custody of his kids and lower child support payments. After hours of negotiating with the parties, The lawyer’s client obtained custody of two of his children and lowered his child support payments for his other children.


Reckless Driving, Leaving The Scene

Of An Accident


Successful Outcome

On August 28, 2018, in a local municipal court, The lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with Reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, No insurance and a hosts of other offenses after being involved in an accident in which she totaled the car. With his client facing a mandatory 1 year loss of license and jail time, The lawyer negotiated with the prosecutor to allow his client to plead to a careless driving ticket resulting in a $200 fine.


Possess A Weapon


Successful Outcome

On August 28, 2018, in a South Jersey Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client charged with 2nd degree Certain Persons not to possess a weapon, 2nd Unlawful Possession of a Weapon, 2nd degree Possession with intent to distribute and a hosts of other offenses. After his client admitted that the items that were found in the house belong to him, The lawyer challenged the legality of the statement and got the handgun thrown out.


Unlawful Possession of a Weapon


Successful Outcome

On August 27, 2018, in a South Jersey Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer attained a great result for a client charged with 2nd degree Certain Persons not to possess a weapon, Unlawful Possession of a Weapon, 2nd degree Possession with intent to distribute and a hosts of other offenses. Prior to The lawyer substituting in on the case, The lawyer’s client’s offer was a 12 must serve 6. After threatening trial, The lawyer’s client pled to a 3 and half year prison sentence.


1st Degree Robbery


Successful Outcome

On August 27, 2018, in a South Jersey Superior Court An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with 1st degree Robbery, 2nd degree Burglary and a host of other offenses. After convincing the prosecutor that there were holes in the case, The lawyer’s client pled to a 2nd degree robbery with the ability to apply to Drug Court.


Unlawful Possession Of A Handgun


Successful Outcome

On August 23, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable result for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful possession of a Handgun. As a result of The lawyer filing and receiving a Graves waiver, The lawyer’s client received a 3 must serve one prison sentence.


Aggravated Assault, Possession With Intent To Distribute


Successful Outcome

On August 23, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Assault, Possession with intent to distribute, and hosts of other charges. After his client signed a 4 year prison sentence, The lawyer successfully lobbied for a probationary sentence that was granted. The lawyer was able to obtain a 5 year probationary sentence for his client whose initial plea offer was a 5 must serve 85%.


Possession Of A Handgun


Successful Outcome

On August 23, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable result for a client charged with 2nd degree unlawful possession of a Handgun. After filing and receiving a partial Graves waiver, The lawyer successfully argued that his client should not receive any prison time because of the circumstances in which the gun was found. After hearing arguments, the Superior Court Judge agreed with The lawyer and granted his client probation.


2nd Degree Possession of Cds


Successful Outcome

On August 17, In a South Jersey Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree possession of Cds (5 bricks of heroin), 3rd degree possession of Cds , and several other Cds offenses. After The lawyer filed a SUPPRESSION MOTION, the prosecutor realized that The lawyer’s motion had significant merit, and offered The lawyer’s client a probationary offer. The lawyer successfully argued that his client received 1 year of probation after the prosecutor argued for 5 years.


Hurt Her Wrist, $4,500


Successful Outcome

During the month of July, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable outcome for a client who hurt her wrist on the job. The lawyer’s client received $4,500 after spraining her wrist.


Domestic Violence


Successful Outcome

August 16, 2018, in a local Superior Court, The lawyer obtained the release of a client charged with a domestic violence offense. After arguments from The lawyer and the Prosecutor, the Judge was convinced by The lawyer that his client was not a threat to the alleged victim, or community.


Unlawful Possession of a Handgun


Successful Outcome

On August 8, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Handgun, 2nd degree Certain Person not to possess a Weapon, Aggravated Assault, and a hosts of other offenses. After filing a Suppression motion, The lawyer obtained a dismissal of the Handgun resulting in his client getting out of jail within a few months.


3rd degree Terroristic Threat


Successful Outcome

On August 7, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained the release of a client charged with 2nd degree burglary, 3rd degree Terroristic Threat, and an Assault in a Local Superior Court. After a detention hearing where the prosecutor argued for The lawyer’s client to be held in the county jail, The lawyer convinced the Judge that his client was not a threat to the community and released him.


Client  Released


Successful Outcome

On July 31, 2018 in a Local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable outcome for a client charged with several 1st and 2nd degree crimes. With his client being held as a result of the new bail reform, The lawyer challenged the states proofs resulting in the Judge allowing his client to be released.


2nd Degree Aggravated Assault, Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On July 19, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer attained a highly favorable result for a client charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Assault, Possession of Cds with the intent to distribute, and a host of other offenses. The lawyer’s client pled to a 4 year flat sentence with the ability to argue for a suspended sentence at sentencing with the Judges consent, after pleading guilty to a downgraded 3rd degree Aggravated Assault.


Certain Persons Not To Possess
A Handgun


Successful Outcome

On July 19, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained another favorable result for a client charged with 2nd degree Certain Persons not to possess a Handgun, 2nd degree Community gun, 3rd degree Possession of Cds with the intent to distribute and a hosts of other offenses. The lawyer’s client received a 5 must serve one sentence, and was allowed to be released from the County Jail pending sentencing.


Unlawful Possession of A Weapon


Successful Outcome

On July 16, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client charged with 1st degree Gang Criminality, 2nd Degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon, Aggravated Assault by Pointing, and a host of other 2nd and 3rd degree offenses. After a shooting was caught on video, The lawyer was able to convince the state, that his client was merely protecting himself after being the victim of individuals shooting at him. His client received the minimum sentence he could receive as a result of not having a gun permit, which was a 3 and ½ year prison sentence. The lawyer’s client was facing a mandatory 25 year prison sentence, because of the charges he received from the state.


Possession of A Weapon And CDS



On July 16, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable result for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon, 2nd Possession of Cds with Intent to Distribute, 2nd degree Certain Persons not to Possess a Weapon, and Unlawful Possession of a Weapon while in the Course of committing a CDS offense. Before The lawyer subbed in on the case, the offer for his client was a 13 year prison sentence and facing a LIFE SENTENCE if he went to trial. After nearly a year of negotiating, The lawyer was able to obtain a 5 year prison sentence, to run concurrent with his two Indictments and sentences received in two different counties.


Possession of a Weapon (Handgun)



Successful Outcome

On July 13, 2018 in a Local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a FULL DISMISSAL for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (Handgun), 3rd degree Possession of Cds with the Intent to Distribute, and a hosts of other offenses including Violation of Probation. After subbing in on the case, An Attorney Times lawyer convinced the state that the state’s case against his client was not strong and his client was innocent of the alleged offenses. As a result, his client was released from jail.


Criminal Attempt To Distribute CDS


Successful Outcome

On July 11, 2018 in a local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Conspiracy, 2nd degree Criminal Attempt to distribute Cds, and 3rd degree possession of Heroin, after finding 2nd degree weight of (ecstasy) in his home. After, showing the state that the Search Warrant was faulty, the lawyer’s client pled to a disorderly persons offense. His client received fines only and never spent a day in Jail.


Possession With Intent To Distribute


Successful Outcome

On July 12, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an outstanding outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Possession with Intent to distribute, 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute and a host of other offenses including separate Indictments. The lawyer was able to convince the judge that his client should be allowed into Special Probation after being denied drug court because of prior offenses. Prior to The lawyer’s entry of appearance, his client was facing an 8 must serve 4 offer. After hearing arguments (the state argued his client was legally barred) the lawyer’s client was allowed in Special Probation therefore avoiding Jail.


Assault, And Harassment


Successful Outcome

On July 12, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a full dismissal for a client charged with Assault, and Harassment in a local municipal court. The lawyer’s client who has a nursing license could not plea to any crime as her livelihood would have been lost.


1st Degree Robbery


Successful Outcome

On July 9, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client. With a statement from the Judge indicating that The lawyer did an excellent job because his client’s charges were some of the worst he accepted into Drug Court, The lawyer’s client was released from jail. His client pled to two 2nd degree robberies which were downgraded from two 1st degree robberies as a result of intense litigation from the lawyer. His client also received 3 more indictments with 2nd and 3rd degree charges while fighting the 1st degree Robbery charges.


Unlawful Possession Of A Weapon


Successful Outcome

On July 5, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable result for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a weapon. An Attorney Times lawyer was able to effectively argue for a 5 must serve one plea deal with the ability to argue for probation at the time of sentencing, effectively assuring his client will not spend a day in jail.


1st Degree Attempted Murder


Successful Outcome

On June 22, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain a great outcome for a client charged with 1st Degree Attempted Murder, 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault, 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault with a deadly weapon, 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon and associated crimes. After, proving that the state’s proofs were extremely week, the lawyer’s client pled to a 6 must serve 3 and a half with 8 months jail credits. 


Violating Probation


Successful Outcome

On June 21, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain a great outcome for a client charged with Violating Probation several times. In a local Superior Court, The lawyer was able to get his client a plea of a 364 jail sentence with 346 days jail credit, after the Judge indicated she would give him a 5 flat. After the lawyer argued for his client and presented several key documents, his client received his great plea.


2nd Degree Burglary, 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault, Possession Of A Weapon


Successful Outcome

On June 20, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain the release of a client charged with 2nd degree Burglary, 2nd degree Aggravated Assault, and 3rd degree Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful purpose. Prior to the detention hearing, the lawyer was able to convince the prosecutor that the case had substantial proof issues. As a result, his client was released, even though he had pending Indictable offenses.


Theft From A Person


Successful Outcome

On June 20, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain the release of a client charged with 2nd degree Burglary, 2nd degree Aggravated Assault, and 3rd degree Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful purpose. Prior to the detention hearing, the lawyer was able to convince the prosecutor that the case had substantial proof issues. As a result, his client was released, even though he had pending Indictable offenses.


1st Degree Robbery


Successful Outcome

On June 18, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable result for a client charged with 1st degree Robbery, and 1st Degree Conspiracy, after the lawyer convinced the prosecutor that they would not be able to prove the 1st degree offenses. The lawyer’s client received a probationary term, after pleading to a Conspiracy to commit theft from a person.


Receiving Stolen Property, Dismissed 


Successful Outcome

On June 8, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a full dismissal for client charged with Receiving Stolen Property, Theft and related offenses. After supplying the State with reciprocal discovery, the lawyer proved to the State that his client was completely innocent of the charges.


3rd Degree Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On June 8, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 3rd degree Possession of Cds in a local Superior Court. After the lawyer substituted in the case, the lawyer’s client received a disorderly persons charge, after negotiating with the State. The lawyer was able to convince the State, that it was in the interest of justice to downgrade the offense.


Possession with Intent to Distribute

CDS, Probation


Successful Outcome

On June 8, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable result for a client charged with 2nd degree Possession with Intent to Distribute, 3rd Degree Possession and related offenses. After lengthy negotiations with the State, the lawyer was successfully able to negotiate a deal to allow his client into Special Probation. This occurred after his client was denied Drug court on multiple occasions.




Successful Outcome

On June 7, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer successfully obtained a Divorce for a client, who after 16 years of marriage found out their significant other was having an affair. The lawyer was able to obtain monthly Alimony for 8 years, half of the other party’s pension, and will remain the sole beneficiary of the other party’s estate.


Possession Of A Weapon Handgun, Possession with Intent to Distribute


Successful Outcome

On June 6, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable result for a client charged with 2nd Degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon (handgun), and several 3rd degree Possession with Intent to distribute charges after allegedly being involved in a 30 man indictment. The lawyer’s client also had an additional 3rd Degree Distribution Indictment. The lawyer was able to obtain the dismissal of the handgun after showing the state that it was not his client’s handgun. His client pled to two concurrent 5 must serve 2 and a half sentences, while having 15 months Jail credit, with 90 days on the street.


Driving On A Suspended License


Successful Outcome

On June 5, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 2 driving on a suspended license. After negotiating with the prosecutor, his client received two failure to show proper documents, even though his client did not obtain his license. On the same date, The lawyer obtained a downgrade of a 4 point speeding ticket, to fines only, after proving that the prosecutor could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that his client was speeding.


Unlawful Selling Of A firearm


Successful Outcome

On May 30, 2018 in a Local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained another highly favorable result for a client charged with 3rd degree Aggravated Assault, 4th degree Unlawful selling of a firearm, and 4th degree Unlawful transport of a firearm. After, negotiating with the state, the lawyer’s client was immediately released from the County Jail after being detained for months, and received a probationary sentence.


Unlawful Possession Of A Handgun, Dismissed


Successful Outcome

On May 30, 2018 in a local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for a client charged with several counts including: 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute CDS on two separate indictments, 2nd -degree unlawful possession of a handgun, as well as 2nd degree Certain Persons not to possess a Handgun. After, convincing the state, that they would not be able to prove his client possessed the handgun, the state dismissed the gun counts, allowing his client to plead into Drug Court. 


Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On May 21, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with Assault, after being involved in an altercation that ended in broken bones. With his client being detained without bail and facing a no early release act plea offer, the lawyer’s client pled to a term of probation and was released from the county jail immediately. 


2nd Degree Possession of a Weapon,

2nd degree Robbery


Successful Outcome

On May 17, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Robbery, 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon, 2nd degree Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful purpose, and a host of other charges including a Violation of Probation. The lawyer’s client pled to a 1year jail sentence, with 320 days jail credit after the lawyer showed that the state could not prove the more serious charges. The plea will allow for his client to get out of jail after facing a 10 must serve 5.


3rd Degree Burglary, Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful purpose


Successful Outcome

On May 16, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable plea agreement for a client charged with 3rd degree Burglary, 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon, 2nd degree Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful purpose and a host of other charges. The lawyer’s client pled to a 3 must serve 1, while having 10 months jail credits after he challenged the states proofs.


Sheriff Sale


Successful Outcome

On May 10, 2018 in a Local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client whose home was up for a Sheriff sale on May 10, 2018. On May 9, 2018, The lawyer filed an emergency application to stay the Sheriff sale. After oral arguments, the Judge allowed the lawyer’s client time to fight the foreclosure, and adjourned the Sheriff sale. 


Aggravated Assault, and 3rd Degree Terroristic Threats


Successful Outcome

On May 4th, 2018 In a central Jersey Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 3rd degree Aggravated Assault, and 3rd Degree Terroristic Threats. The lawyer was able to show that the state’s witness was weak. His client received a 150 day jail sentence which turns into a time served sentence because of his jail credits. 


Possession with Intent 

(Cocaine and Heroin)


Successful Outcome

On May 3rd, 2018 the lawyer obtained a 4 must serve 2 with the ability to apply to special probation for a client charged with 2nd degree Possession with Intent (Cocaine and Heroin), 3rd degree Possession with intent and a host of other charges. The lawyer was able to convince the State, that although his client, has a bad criminal record his client should receive help rather than a prison sentence.


Aggravated Assault (stabbing), Possession of Weapon,


Successful Outcome

On May 3rd, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for a client charged with 3rd degree Aggravated Assault (stabbing), 3rd degree Unlawful Possession of Weapon, and 4th degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon. After, being placed on the trial list, the lawyer convinced the court to give his client 3 years probation instead of the 3 must served 85 percent.


1st Degree Aggravated Manslaughter


Successful Outcome

On April 30, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 1st degree Aggravated Manslaughter, and a host of other charges. The lawyer’s client pled to an 8 year sentence, while his client has the benefit of occurring 2 and half years jail credits. The lawyer was able to obtain this great outcome after a year of plea negotiations. This occurred after the lawyer’s client was offered a 15 year sentence before the lawyer entered his appearance.


2nd Degree Unlawful Possession
Of Weapon


Successful Outcome

On April 26, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained another favorable outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Unlawful possession of a weapon, two counts of 3rd degree Aggravated Assault and a host of other charges. His client pled to a 5 must serve 1 after lengthy negotiations between the lawyer and the state prosecutors. On the same date, the lawyer obtained a dismissal of a shoplifting charge, after proving his client was not one of the people caught on the surveillance tape. At the same court, the lawyer obtained another dismissal of possession of Cds after proving that his client was not in possession of the alleged Cds.


3rd and 4th degree offenses,
Released From Jail


Successful Outcome

On April 25, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer successfully lobbied for his client who was being detained in a local County Jail on 3rd and 4th degree offenses. His client who had a criminal history was released from the county jail on monthly reporting even after the prosecutor filed a motion to detain his client until trial. 

On the same date, An Attorney Times lawyer effectively obtained a dismissal of Obstruction, Resisting Arrest, and Assault charges for a client who is currently on parole. As a result of the dismissal, his client did not violate parole therefore he was released from the county jail.


2nd Eluding, and 3rd 

degree Hindering


Successful Outcome

On April 19, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with 2nd Eluding, and 3rd degree Hindering. The lawyer was able to obtain the release of his client after sitting in the county jail for 4 months. His client received a 270 day county sentence to be served on ankle monitoring along with probation. 


Possession with intent to distribute, possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On April 13, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable result for a client charged with 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute, 3rd degree possession of Cds and a host of other charges. His client was sentenced to a term of 1 year probation after proving that the state would have a difficult time proving his client guilty of selling prescription pills. 

On the same date, the lawyer obtained a 2 year probationary term for a client charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Assault and other related offenses. The lawyer was able to show the state, the alleged victim was not cooperative.


Child Custody


Successful Outcome

On April 12, 2018 In a local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer, obtained a favorable outcome for a client who filed to get custody of his child. After an hour of arguments, The lawyer was able to convince the Judge that his client would provide the best environment for his child. The lawyer’s client was previously denied custody before obtaining the lawyer. 


Possession Of CDS


Successful Outcome

On April 9, 2018 in a local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable outcome for a client charged with possession of Cds while on Drug Court. The lawyer’s client was in serious jeopardy of getting kicked out of Drug Court, however after negotiations, he could stay and received treatment.


Possession Of A Handgun


Successful Outcome

On April 5, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable outcome for a client charged with two different possession of a handgun Indictments, and a separate 2nd degree possession with the intent to distribute Indictment. The lawyer’s client received a 3 and a half year stipulation after being offered a 10 year stipulation. His client admitted to possessing the handguns prior to the lawyer entering the case. During the plea-agreement, the Prosecutor praised the lawyer for convincing the state to take a closer look at the case.


2nd Degree Aggravated Assault, 3rd Degree Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On April 4, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Assault, 3rd degree Aggravated Assault, and a hosts of other charges. The lawyer’s client received a suspended sentence after challenging the states proofs and witnesses.  INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. 


1st Degree Robbery Of 3 Burger Kings And 1 Dollar Tree


Successful Outcome

On April 2, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a very favorable outcome for a client charged with 1st degree Robbery of 3 Burger Kings and 1 Dollar Tree. After his client admitted to the Robberies, The lawyer challenged his client's Admission of Guilt and received a 7 year prison sentence with 1 year jail Credit. If you want an Attorney who will challenge the State, and Fight. Remember everyone deserves the right to a great Defense.


Dismissal of 1st Degree Robbery, 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On March 28, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained the dismissal of 1st degree robbery, 2nd degree Aggravated Assault, and a host of other charges. The lawyer’s client was held without bail, for a crime he did not commit. After filing a motion to reopen the detention hearing and indicating the lawyer will bring in the victim to exonerate his client, the state dismissed the charges.


Harassment, Reckless Driving, Driving With No Insurance, Careless Driving


Successful Outcome

On March 21, 2018 after a 2 hour trial, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result for a client charged with harassment. The charges were dismissed, allowing his client to avoid the criminal charge. 

On March 27, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an additional favorable outcome for a client charged with reckless driving, driving with no insurance, and careless driving. The lawyer effectively negotiated a dismissal of the driving with no insurance ticket after causing an accident (the client had no insurance didn't got insurance) which would have resulted in his client losing her job and license for a year.


Robbery, 2nd Degree 
Possession Weapon, 


Successful Outcome

On March 20, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a very favorable outcome for a client charged with 1st degree Robbery, 2nd degree Unlawful possession of a Weapon and a hosts of other charges. After substituting in the case for a week, his client received a 364 day jail sentence with 291 days jail credit, after pleading to 3rd degree attempted theft. As a product of this great result, his client was released from Jail, thus being able to attend his mothers funeral on March 21, 2018. 

On March 19, 2018 in a Camden County municipal court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained the dismissal of two Marijuana possession charges for two different clients.


Possession Of CDS In A Vehicle, Dismissed


Successful Outcome

On March 13, 2018 in a local municipal court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a favorable result, for a client charged with possession of CDS (cocaine), and possession of CDS in a vehicle. The lawyer obtained a dismissal for a client who could not receive a conviction because of their nursing license.


Handgun, Possession of CDS, Intent
to Distribute, Released


Successful Outcome

On March 8, 2018 in a South Jersey Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained the release of a client charged with Possession of a Weapon, Unlawful Possession of a handgun, Possession of CDS, and Possession with Intent to distribute after a Car stop where his client admitted to the gun and drugs. The lawyer convinced the Court that his client was not a danger to the community, and his confession was made to protect his fiancé. 


Criminal Case, 40 Bricks Of Heroin, Dismissed


Successful Outcome

On March 2, 2018 in Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Possession with Intent to Distribute Cds, and a host of other charges. The lawyer filed several motions after becoming his client’s third attorney, including a suppression motion and chain of custody motion. On the day of the hearing, it was discovered that the evidence was DESTROYED, thus ultimately eliminating the case.


Family, Child Custody, Won Trial


Successful Outcome

On March 6, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great verdict for a client in family court. After a two-hour trial, the State’s attempt to find the lawyer’s client guilty of Child abuse and Neglect was denied thus preventing the state from putting her on a Child abuse registry. The lawyer proved that the State’s allegations were false, and his client received custody of his children as well.


Reopened Detention Hearing,
Released That Day


Successful Outcome

On March 2, 2018 in a Superior Court An Attorney Times lawyer obtained, a favorable verdict for a client after putting the matter on the trial list and filing for a reopening of a detention hearing. Before substituting on the case, his client’s offer was a 5 must serve 85 percent. After proving the states proofs were weak, his client received a 364-sentence allowing for his release that day after 9 months. 


Family Court, Child Custody


Successful Outcome

On February 27, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained Joint Custody for his client, after being prevented from seeing his two children. After arguments in a Local Superior Court, The lawyer obtained split parenting time throughout the month for his client, as well as splitting the holidays. 


Criminal Case, Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On February 27, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a dismissal of two Aggravated Assault charges in a local Superior Court, after showing that his client did not commit the act. His client received a full dismissal, as all charges were dropped. On the same date, The lawyer obtained a dismissal of a Shoplifting charge, that could have potentially put his client in jail for a mandatory 90 days.


Criminal Case, Conspiracy To
Commit Murder


Successful Outcome

On February 26, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtain a favorable result for a client charged with 1st degree conspiracy to commit murder. His client a received a sentence not to exceed 12 years, after 18 months of hardcore plea negotiations and trial preparation. Prior to trial his client also received additional charges of Witness Tampering, and other charges, but still received a great outcome.


Criminal Case, Terroristic Threats


Successful Outcome

On February 22, 2018 in a local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a very favorable plea deal for a client charged with 3rd degree Terroristic Threats. The lawyer’s client received a one year suspended after initially receiving a 3 flat plea offer before the lawyer substituted on the matter.


Criminal Case, Handgun, Probation


Successful Outcome

On February 21, 2018 in a local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a 3 year must serve one year sentence for a client charged with unlawful possession of a weapon, after showing the weapon was inoperable. His client was first offered a 5 year must serve 5 year prison sentence before the lawyer substituted on the case. The lawyer also reserves the right to argue for probation at the time of sentencing.


Criminal Case, Attempted Murder, Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On February 20, 2018 in a local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a very favorable plea deal for a client charged with attempted murder, two counts of Aggravated Assault, Unlawful Possession of a weapon and a host of other offenses. Although caught on camera, after showing that the proofs weren’t that strong, and willing to go to trial, his client received a 7-year sentence to run concurrent with his other indictments received in another county. 

On the same date,
The lawyer obtained a potential suspended sentence, or probationary offer for a client charged with Possession with intent to distribute multiple bricks of heroin. The lawyer filed a suppression motion, challenging the states evidence, and the state conceded. 


Criminal Case, Handgun, CDS, 

Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On February 14, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable result for a client charged with two separate Indictments of Unlawful Possession of a weapon (Handgun) as well as Possession with Intent to Distribute CDS. After showing that the state’s evidence was suspect at best, his client received a 3 year prison sentence with only a 1 year stipulation. 

On February 14, 2018
The lawyer acquired a Probationary offer for a client charged with 3rd degree Aggravated Assault. 

On the same date,
The lawyer acquired another probationary offer for a client charged with 3rd degree Possession with intent to Distribute.


Criminal Case, 1st Degree Robbery


Successful Outcome

On February 12, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained the release of a client charged with 1st degree robbery, 2nd degree conspiracy and a host of other charges after showing that his client, was not involved in the crime. 

On February 13, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained the release of a client who was also charged with 1st degree robbery, 2nd degree conspiracy and a host of other charges. This client had the highest rated score on the current NJ PSA, and was recommended for no release. However, after providing contrary evidence, The lawyer won the release of a client. The Superior Court Judge can be quoted as saying “After the states’ argument, I was ready to make my decision, however counsel (
An Attorney Times lawyer) changed my mind”. 


Possession Of A Weapon, Released


Successful Outcome

On February 7, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer successfully obtained the release of a client charged with 2nd degree possession of a weapon (gun), 2nd degree burglary, 3rd degree terroristic threats, and a host of other offenses. After successfully arguing that the client was not a threat to the community, a flight risk, or a risk to the current investigation, The lawyer obtained their release. 


Criminal Case, Possession of CDS


Successful Outcome

On February 5, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer successfully obtained a favorable result for his client charged with 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute CDS, and 3rd degree Possession of CDS. The lawyer’s client pled to a disorderly person’s offense after the lawyer challenged the weight of the CDS found. He received a time served sentence, so his parole would not be violated. 

On the same date,
An Attorney Times lawyer obtained another disorderly persons offense for a client charged with 3rd degree possession with intent to distribute CDS, and 3rd degree Possession of CDS. That client received a 6 month suspended sentence, and no loss of license


Won Suppression Motion, Handgun, Dismissed


Successful Outcome

On January 30, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer successfully won a Suppression motion after two days of testimony from several officers. The lawyer proved that the search was illegal and the Superior Court Judge agreed, suppressing the handgun. As a result, the case was dismissed against both the lawyer’s client and the codefendant, where the original plea offer was a 5 do 5.


Criminal Case, 5,000 Bags Of Heroin


Successful Outcome

On January 24, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a highly favorable result for a client charged with having over 5,000 bags of Heroin. After aggressive negotiations and pointing out flaws in the case, obtained a 3 flat offer for his client Pre-Indictment. His client is now eligible for Drug Court as well, as a result of the charge being downgraded from First Degree to Second Degree. 

On the same date An Attorney Times lawyer also obtained a dismissal of a Marijuana charge in a Camden County municipal court, after proving the stop was invalid. 


Criminal Case, Possession, Weapons, Robbery


Successful Outcome

On January 18, 2018, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained an excellent result for his client charged with 3rd degree possession of Cds, 2nd degree possession with the intent to distribute in a School Zone, ad 3rd degree possession with intent. After substituting on the case, The lawyer filed several motions, and was able to convince the state that his client’s position was strong. His client received a Disorderly conduct charge with no probation and only $180 in fines. 

On the same Date,
An Attorney Times lawyer was able to obtain a Special Probation for a client charged with 5 different Indictments including Robbery and Weapons possession.


1st degree Armed Robbery, Handgun


Successful Outcome

On January 17, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained another great outcome for his client charged with 1st degree Armed Robbery, 2nd degree Agg Assault (Stabbing) and Unlawful of possession of a weapon. His client already on probation and had 10 prior felony convictions including violent convictions. His client received a 3 year sentence. 

On the same date, An Attorney Times lawyer successfully obtained a 3 and a half year stipulation for a client charged with a Certain Persons not to possess a Weapon charge which carries a 5 year stipulation. The downgrade allows for his client to eligible for parole 18 months earlier. 


2nd Degree Aggravated Assault


Successful Outcome

On January 16, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a great result for his client charged with 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault in a North Jersey Superior Court. The lawyer obtained a disorderly conduct plea, which is a petty disorderly persons offense after proving that client was acting in self defense. The lawyer’s client received no probation, nor fines. 


Criminal Case, 2nd Degree Eluding


Successful Outcome

On 1-11-18 in a local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a very favorable verdict for a client charged with 2nd degree eluding while on parole. The lawyer obtained a 3 year suspended sentence to run concurrent with his parole. If you are looking for an Attorney that is hard fighting and aggressive. 


Possession of a weapon and

CDS, Dismissed


Successful Outcome

On January 9, 2018 An Attorney Times lawyer received a dismissal order for his client charged with possession of a weapon, possession of CDS and a host of other charges in two indictments. This was after months of litigation, and refusing to take any jail time or programs. Call The lawyer if you want a hard fighting attorney, that looks out for your best interest at all times. 


Criminal Case AK-47, 5 oz of Heroin

and Meth, Released


Successful Outcome

On December 12, 2017 An Attorney Times lawyer effectively argued for his client to be released from County Detention after being charged with possession of an Assault Rifle, two handguns and over 5 oz of heroin and meth. The lawyer was able to show that his client had no ties to the residence and/or illegal activity. 

On December 14, 2017 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained another favorable verdict for a client charged with having 150 bags of heroin. That client was already serving a prison sentence in Pennsylvania for drugs, and currently was to be sentenced in New Jersey for another Drug distribution charge. With the lawyer’s advocacy, his client pled to a 3 flat to run concurrent with his other charges 


Family Case, Regained Custody


Successful Outcome

On December 20, 2017 in a Local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer effectively argued for his client to regain custody of his daughter after a 3-hour trial. The lawyer successfully argued that his client’s daughter’s best interest was with her father.


Civil Case, $17,500 Reward


Successful Outcome

On December 15, 2017 An Attorney Times lawyer with the help of Co-Counsel obtained an award of $17,500 for a local school district Employee who was hurt on the job.


Criminal, 15 bricks of Heroin


Successful Outcome

On December 1, 2017 In a South Jersey Superior court, An Attorney Times lawyer was able to suppress 15 bricks of Heroin, by showing that the Confidential Informant, was not telling the truth. The favorable result, allowed for his client to plead to a probationary sentence, after receiving a 10 do 5 offer. 

On December 5, 2017 in a local Superior Court, An Attorney Times lawyer obtained another favorable result for a client charged with several counts of Aggravated Assault, Weapons Possession and possession with intent. The lawyer was able to show that his client was not involved, thus receiving a time served sentence. 


Criminal Burglary 


Successful Outcome

On November 27, 2017 An Attorney Times lawyer obtained a very favorable outcome for his client charged in several indictments. His client was charged with aggravated assaulted, two counts of burglary and a host of other charges. The lawyer’s client pled to time served at sentencing, and no probation.

Results may very depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
